Pool Repair
Swimming Pool Repair: Keeping Your Oasis Sparkling By Rosedale Pool & Spa Supply, Inc.
A sparkling swimming pool adds beauty and enjoyment to your property. But even the most stunning pool can encounter problems. If you are facing a pool issue, do not fret! Here at Rosedale Pool & Spa Supply, we are here to help. This guide will introduce you to common pool repairs and how to ensure a smooth repair process.
Pool Automation: Remotely operating the pool and spa will make you the envy of your friends and family. We use our phones every day, so why not use them to control your backyard. Innovative automation will also be able to use voice assistants to control everything through simple voice commands. Our experienced staff can guide you through the automation process.
Heater Issues: Pool and spa heaters are crucial in making the pool and spa temperatures comfortable year-round. Pool heaters need maintenance just like everything else on the pool and not being able to use the spa on the perfect night due to the heater not working can be a bummer. Schedule one of our experienced technicians to examine and repair on of the most expensive pieces of pool equipment you own.
Salt Systems: Are high chlorine prices making it hard to maintain the pool? Do you keep hearing people complaining about their eyes burning in the pool? Then you might want to consider a salt-chlorinator as your main sanitization for the pool. Salt systems eliminate the need to shock the pool or float tablets weekly due to the ability to make it’s own chlorine. Call our store or text us about what the conversion process is.
Light Repair: Pool lights transform a boring backyard into the oasis of your dreams. Do not let poor pool lighting ruin the backyard you have dreamed of having your entire life. Our experienced technicians can diagnose, repair, and provide unique pool lighting for your specific needs.
Cleaning System Malfunctions: Automatic pool cleaners are convenient, but they can malfunction. Our technicians can diagnose the problem and get your cleaner back in top shape.
Don’t Let Pool Problems Put a Damper on Your Fun! Schedule a Service Call with Rosedale Pool & Spa Supply Today!